Many of my fellow dancers have been working on zills or finger cymbals, but the common complaint is the noise level at home - spouses/roommates/significant others, children, animals and neighbours sometimes need to be protected from the volume. So I started on a quest to make some covers for my shop- the first ones were lovely in gold or rainbow but they were made from cotton and it didn't take long for a corner to get worn out leaving a hole.
So I have switched to hemp, and these have proven very popular, especially thanks to a wonder dancer called Jordan who is from Vancouver but spent a year plus in Suhaila's school in California.
I made a couple in 6 strand- I bet they will take YEARS to wear out, if they ever do!
Dancers like colourful things, so rainbow was still a popular request. Here are my latest, in a 3strand hemp - softer and finer, but still very durable
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